My journey through life, as a Christian, a daughter, a sister, an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, a teacher.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Enemas, NG tubes and Tests
For this weeks lab class we learned about the "ins" and "outs" of health care. The "ins" would be tube feeding and fluids. We learned how to insert NG tubes for the purpose of suctioning and feeding. An NG tube is a nasogastric tube. It goes in the nose and down to the stomach. It was funny to be on a different side of tube feeding. I've written hundreds of tube feeding orders, but I've never carried them out or actually administered them.
And the "outs" would be enemas and constipation. Not necessarily the most fun things to do but still an important part of the job. So if anybody is feeling a little constipated, I can help you out.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Birthday Curse

The second occurrence was September 2000. It was my 21st birthday and I was a junior in college. I was driving to a friends house (who wasn't even home) and I got pulled over. I was going too fast. I was awarded a warranted speeding ticket, on my birthday. Again the cop had to write my birth date down once and the date twice, you would have thought he would have figured it out too.
The next year I only drove 2 miles on my birthday and was quite careful. It was my senior year in college and Chara and I went to a Mexican restaurant for our birthday. She didn't have a car.
On my 23 birthday I drove over 75 miles on my birthday and nothing happened. I wouldn't say I was careful, just lucky.
Then in September of 2003, my 24th birthday I drove from Missouri to Franklin and was in a car accident. The guy in front of me slammed on his brakes on the interstate. I slammed on mine and then into him. Luckily we had the same 1988 Toyota Camry with the same rubber bumpers. The cars literally bounced off each other with no damage. The guy was a foreigner. He yelled at me and then drove away rather quickly. Luckily I did not get a ticket.
I thought the curse was over. After all, it has been 4 years with relatively no curse activity. Until last Wednesday. It wasn't my actual birthday, but when it is within 7 days it's close enough.
I developed a horrible habit in Missouri. The subdivision I lived in had yield signs instead of stop signs, so I got in the habit of rolling through intersections. Over the past few weeks I have told myself on numerous occasions to stop at the stop sign at the intersection of 25th and Children's Way, but I often rolled through.
On Wednesday morning I got to the the intersection and looked to my left and saw two cops sitting on motorcycles. The one on the right reached into his pouch and put a wad of tobacco in his mouth. This really irritated me. I thought about rolling down my window and telling him what I thought about it. I thought about pulling my car over to them and telling him what I thought about it. But I didn't, I rolled on. Yes, I rolled on through the stop sign. So I look in my rear view and Mr. Chewing Tobacco pulled me over. I thought, should I say something? He came over told me I rolled through the stop sign and wanted all my paperwork and license. So as I sat there I stared at Mr. Chewing Tobacco and was really irritated. So he came back finally and hands me a "citation". He starts to walk off, and that's when it happened.
"You know", I said, "I think it's really inappropriate for you to be chewing tobacco when you working".
"Mam", he said, "it's not tobacco. It's mint leaves."
"What are mint leaves." I said with somewhat of an attitude.
"Mam, it's what people chew when they are trying to quit." he said.
"Oh, well, that is partly why I rolled through the stop sign"
"because you thought I was chewing tobacco?"
"Yes, I really feel like it is unprofessional. But I think it's great you are trying to quit." I said
He was annoyed, embarrassed, irritated, "Have a nice day, Mam." and he waled off.
Did I deserve the ticket, most assuredly. Did I regret saying something to the cop. No. Weather it was mint leaves or not, I perceived he was chewing tobacco.
So I guess the curse is not over. I wouldn't say that I was a bad driver at all, just overly aggressive at times and occasionally non-compliant. All my tickets have been warranted. I just hate that it is always around my birthday. But, such is life.
Friday, September 21, 2007
This week's lab

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
First Test
Today I had my first big test. It was 100 multiple choice questions. We were told that every test we take this year will be multiple choice in order to prepare us for the NCLEX (the registered nurse licensing exam). These multiple choice questions though are presented with multiple correct answers and you just have to pick the BEST answer. For an individual who is overly analytical this is truly torture. I have, in times past, known the right answer and analyzed my way right out of it. Let's hope that I did not do that today.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Citizen's Arrest
Monday, September 10, 2007
As I may have stated in an earlier post, I have a lot of reading. Tonight I read over 7 different chapters. Some of the books are interesting, some of the books are not interesting at all, but I don't mind too much. Usually I will listen to classical music when I read/study as it prevents my mind from wondering and helps me to maintain my focus (not that I don't have to redirect myself at times.)
I have thought a lot about the reading though. This is a two year program and obviously I am a first year student, there are 125 of us. I don't know how many second year students there are, but many of the first year students have asked the second year students if it is truly important to do all the reading. After all, it is somewhat excessive. And nearly all of the second year students have told all the first year students that the reading is not important, just look over your notes, go to class, pay attention and you'll be fine.
This doesn't do much for my motivation department. Why should I spend all evening reading after I have spent all day at school? The second year students say it doesn't matter anyway.
Why would an individual train for a marathon and then walk the whole race? I spent an entire year going to night classes after working all day, spent a month interviewing for my replacement and then an additional five weeks training her, went from full-time to very part-time and all so I could begin a journey. A journey that for all intense purposes has hardly started. It is much too early in this race to walk. Do I have other things I could be doing? of course. Do I have other things I'd rather be doing? yes! But I made big sacrafices to pursue a dream and I owe it to myself to do my best.
I suppose that after two weeks of hearing the first year students quote the second year students that the reading wasn't that important I just needed to rant and rave and justify that I wasn't wasting every free evening I had. Sorry for the soapbox.
Friday, September 7, 2007
But as the morning walks became more routine (translation: less Walden like) I noticed that the squirrels weren't so cute. In fact, squirrels are really just like rats only with cuter tails; they are very much like rodents. They scurry everywhere. You can here them rustling in the grass and scraping their teeth on nuts. They run past people to get to their favorite spots or to the lastest fallen nut. They seem wild and almost rabid.