Thursday was fun. I had a middle aged female who was 1 day post op gastric bypass surgery (nutrition stuff again). She was super nice and let us poke and prod and look and inspect. She was very gracious to my partner and I. She was a true pleasure. She had a 10" incision in her abdomen - it was very pretty. There were 28 staples. Good times. Although she was a perfect pt, she was a little boring to take care of since she was so independent. But then some excitement came about. Another pt down the hall needed a catheter. Her catheter had been dc'd the day before and she had not urinated since, so she needed an in and out cath. An in and out cath goes in, gets all the urine out, then comes out. So they told my partner and I that we could put it in. I was extremely excited. Put a catheter in a real pt and not just a mannequin with a huge pee hole!!! So I was nonchalant with my nurse partner for the day.
"you can do it if you want" I said thinking she doesn't want to.
"are you sure?" she said, "don't you want to do it?"
"yeah" I said, "I'll flip you for it. do you have a coin?"
"no" she said, "lets rock, paper, scissor it."
"okay" I say - I have to win this!!
1-2-3 both scissors. do over
1-2-3 she's scissors. I'm rock. I win. I get to do the catheter!!!
The pt is a young woman who was in a car accident and broke her pelvis. We go to her room and find her walking to the bathroom trying to urinate so we won't have to cath her, but she got nothing. so in we go. Now when you cath a woman you prefer for her legs to be as far apart as possible so that you can clearly see the urethra (also known as the pee hole). Unfortunately,

Friday wasn't nearly as exciting. We started our morning evaluating our patients and taking vital signs. We had some down time and one group had a job to do, so the rest of us joined them. So all 6 of us went in to take care of an older man. He has 2 broken arms and a broken leg(that's what happens when you are walking down the street drunk). Oh yeah, and he's delirious. So as he said he had a shoo shoo. So we all go in to bathe him and change his sheets and he's laughing and doesn't have a clue that 6 girls are in there who don't have a clue what there doing and we're laughing and he's laughing and the whole thing was really funny. The rest of that day was super boring. I mean when the highlight of the day is cleaning up a delirious man's shoo shoo....well, you get the idea.
This week I have three tests, a paper due, and two more exciting days at the hospital. Can't wait.
I'm just loving these posts of yours. You DO have a way with words! They are VERY informative and entertaining.
I enjoyed finding and reading your blog today! Good luck with your studies!
That is so funny! I laughed right out loud and coulda woke the whole family up. I absolutely love reading your blog. I am so happy for you and happy in my knowing that nursing is so not for me! LOL
It's amazing what is funny at times, to some people. :-)
Remind me to tell you about the time I "assisted" with surgery. Then again, maybe I should start a blog. :-0
Glad you are learning so much. I'll probably need you in the future. Haven't had surgery recently, about time for another one. :-)
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