Monday, October 29, 2007

The past few weeks have been very eventful and restful all at the same time. I have had very full days and very restful ones. I had fall break last week and in the process I have somewhat slacked off of school. That, however, does not mean that school has slacked off of me. I have had papers due, projects, five tests, and the ever present reading. Overall I've done okay.

Last week we had our final lab test in which I had to perform various skills in order to validate my professional safety in the hospital. I had to place a foley catheter in the mannequin as well as a nasogastric tube. I hate practical tests, they make me nervous and I don't do well. I think I would actually do better if the person was real and I wasn't getting graded. The good thing is that I passed and so I am allowed to begin clinicals this week.

Begining clinicals means that my schedule will change. Since school started I have had every Friday off and went half a day on Wednesday while going all day Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Now I will go all day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday with Wednesday off to do work that is due on Thursday.

My clinicals will be at Vanderbilt University MC on 9 South. It is a gastrointerological post operative unit. So we will have a lot of pt just out of stomach surgeries. I'm excited about this. Ready to get my feet wet. I'm sure that it will be an evenful 5 weeks with a lot of new experiences.

I suppose this week I am having some trouble feeling motivated. Not sure why that is. I'm sure it will turn around soon.

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