Saturday, September 14, 2019

Turning 40: Notes to My Younger Self. #21 Being Thankful

#21. Being Thankful

It is so important to me to always be thankful. To always choose a positive mind set.

I really started thinking about this in 2010 and decided to be intentional about thanksgiving, counting my blessing, finding the good. I also began learning about the art of mindfulness and about neuroplasticity.

The art of mindfulness is the mental state of being aware of the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. I most often practice mindfulness when I am outside and able to appreciate nature or able to watch the pups play. It has been a very beautiful habit for me.

Neuoplasticity, to simply put it, is the ability to change the brain. It is the ability of the brain to change its physical structure and function based on input from experiences, behaviors, emotions, and even thoughts. During these changes, the brain engages in synaptic pruning, deleting the neural connections that are no longer necessary or useful, and strengthening the necessary ones. Therefore, the act of thinking good thoughts can actually rewire or change the way my brain functions.

So, I did this by listing three good things every day and then defining what my role in those three things were. Sad to say, it was hard to find three things initially. But with time and as it became a practice, it wasn’t unusual for me to find five or seven things for the day.

I began to think more positive and, therefore, be more positive. Negative emotive thoughts and neuro pathways began being pruned away.

I let the daily practice of identifying three good things fall away. I do not write them down any more in the way that I once did. But my thoughts tend to direct toward being thankful, especially in moments of frustration or disappointment.

As we have discussed, life is hard, you will see hard things, you will live through hard things. But being on your own side, encouraging your own self, having positive thoughts, learning to be thankful in all circumstances, focusing on the good will be a blessing.

Only you are responsible for you, only you are responsible for your thoughts, only you are responsible for your mindset. Be present, be mindful, and be thankful.

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