Thursday, September 19, 2019

Turning 40: Notes to My Younger Self. #31 Student Loans are a Scam

#31. Student Loans are a Scam

I always knew I would go to college.

I felt like it was expected, but it was also something I wanted.

The funny thing, though, is that I really had no idea what I wanted to do or study or major in.

I took the ASVAB and other aptitude tests. I asked friends, sought mentors and guidance, but I was never really sure what I wanted to do with my life. Nothing brought any real direction and my compass had no north.

In truth, I had no real business being in college when I did not have an end goal. I should have gone to a community college, taken some credits, worked and saved money.

The problem with student loans is that they enable you to spend money without purpose.

I worked hard, showed up to class, made good grades. But when you are working without goal, you are spinning wheels that are not moving forward.

Later in life, I finally knew what I wanted to do, but it was after 8 years of college and a masters degree. How much money was spent before I knew what I needed to know, only to accumulate more debt in order to do what I wanted to do.

Now, 10 years after graduating with my second degree, I am in profound student loan debt that will never go away.

Despite paying over $1000/mo for the past 10 years, I am now in more debt than I was when I started.

Did I seek counsel and get advice before acquiring the debt? Yes. But the counsel was that it would be easy to pay off with the money I would make.

My dear young self, I am sorry that I did not know better before. I am sorry that you will be saddled with crippling loans. I am sorry that you did not understand the game of education.

I appreciate how hard you will work. Know that it was not for naught.

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