Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Turning 40: Notes to My Younger Self. #27 You Do Not Have to Go to a Christian University to be a Good Christian

#27. You Do Not Have to Go to a Christian University to be a Good Christian

Growing up I always knew that I would attend a Christian University. I was not sure as to which one for some time, but I knew that it would be one associated with churches of Christ.

Nearly everyone in my family, who had gone to college, had gone to a Christian University.

They recruited us at church and we would go to summer camps and weekend events and buy their t-shirts and pennants and other assorted paraphernalia.

When most people asked where I was going to college, I assumed they were actually asking which one of the Christian schools I was going to.

I really never even considered going to a state school or a community college to get my credits.

Going to a Christian school meant making lifelong friends who were just like me, it meant finding my mate, it meant going to heaven.

Only, it did not mean those things. I did make some really good friends. But I did not find my mate. Having gone there is not going to get me to heaven.

Going to a Christian school meant daily chapel and devotionals and Bible classes and curfew and room checks and same gender dorms.

I am thankful for the Biblical influence and the Bible classes and daily chapel, but it did not mean a better education or as many educational opportunities.

Going there meant private tuition cost, it meant higher student loans, it meant more debt.

My dear young self, you have the ability to be a light where ever you go, to grow in whatever environment you are in, and to be a Christian in whatever place you find yourself. You have always had that ability.

In retrospect, I wish we had understood that before and made different decisions, cheaper decisions.

The purpose of college is to have strong educational opportunities to prepare you for life. I am sorry we did not understand that more effectively before.

Going to a Christian university is not bad, I just do not think it was the best decision for you. 

You do not have to go to a Christian university to be a good Christian. You do not have to go anywhere to be a good Christian.

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