Friday, September 6, 2019

Turning 40: Notes to My Younger Self. #9 Perception is Not Always Reality

#9. Perception is Not Always Reality

We look with our eyes, but we interpret with our minds.

Sometimes we see what is, sometimes we see what we think is.

It is often hard to know what the truth is, hard to know the reality of our perceptions. Especially, when we walk into a situation with preconceived ideas and expectations.

Sometimes we want something to be something so badly, that we believe it is, weather or not it really is.

We aren't alone in this, though.

Everyone looks with their eyes and interprets with their minds.

So, sometimes my perception is not reality, but the person I am talking to, who is in the same situation, also has a different perception than what is real; so then you have two people with two different perceptions and no one is able to see the reality of the one situation. This can happen at work, in relationships, in meetings, in conversations. Two people can walk away from one conversation having heard two totally different things.

It is important that we take time to remember that what we perceive may not be what is.

It is important that we remember than what our neighbor perceives may not be what is.

Mostly, it is important that we look with open eyes, listen with open hearts, interpret with open minds.

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