Thursday, September 26, 2019

Turning 40: Notes to My Younger Self. #40 What I Know to be True

#40. What I Know to Be True

Life is hard.

It has not turned out as I had expected.

Sometimes, I am angry that things have not been different, been better, been more fulfilling.

I do not understand so many many things.

I have been hurt.

I have hurt.


But life is also beautiful.

Some things have been better than I could have ever expected.

I am still learning to work through my anger and disappointment and find fulfillment.

I do not have to understand everything.

I am healing.

I apologize.

What I know to be true is that I am deeply loved.

I have real relationships with real people who love me, I have a job that I love and that I am really good at, I have two amazing dogs, I have good relationships with my 12 nieces and nephew, my parents love me, my sisters love me, and I have a good church family.

I am steadfastly loved by God and have been redeemed by Him. His graces is renewed for me every single day.

My dear dear dear young self, life looks different than we expected, but it is good and you are loved. You are growing and learning and thriving. Life is hard, but it is so beautiful. People are so beautiful. You have good people, good community, and a good good life.

As you arrive today at your 40th year of life, dwell in these truths and always always always be thankful.

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